Facts about Snakes

Snakes found every where on earth except north pole and south pole,New Zealand,Iceland ,Ireland and Greenland.

Snake classification


Order -Squamata



Snakes absorb heat from Sun or Say Solar powered.

Snakes are bony, its skeleton made from around 1000 to 1200 bones.

Around upto 3000 species of snakes around world.

Except sea snakes mostly all snakes lay eggs.


All snakes smell with their tongues.

When a snake sticks out its tongue it smells its surroundings.

The moist tongue collects scents and small organisms from whatever it touches and from the air around it.

When the tongue goes back into the mouth the forks touch a special sensory spot called the Jacobson’s organ on the roof of the mouth and tells the snake what it smells.

Snakes have a small notch in their lips that they can stick their tongues through so they don’t need to open their mouths.

Some snakes can smell with their noses.

Pythons are constrictors,which mean that they will squeeze the life out of their prey. 

They coil themselves around their prey and with each breathe the creature takes the snake will squeeze a little tighter until they stop breathing completely. 

Once the heart stops the prey is swallowed whole. 

The entire animal is digested in the snake’s stomach except for fur or feathers.