Know Facts of Transfats

Do you know Trans fats Facts:

At the end, this article answers 

  1. What are transfats
  2. Types of transfats
  3. Why Industries Processing 
  4. How Trans Fats Affect Your Health
  5. How Much you can eat
  6. % of fats in foods

What are transfats:


           Simply saying type of unsaturated fats and generate during industrial process of adding Hydrogen atoms to edible oils. Example CLA(conjugated linoleic acid). After processing,solid state oil called as vegetable oil or vanaspati oil.



Structure of trans fats

Types of trans fats:


These type fat occur in meat and dairy products and are not harmful for consumption.example vaccenic acid. 

Dairy Farm


  Produced during hydrogenation of oil in industry I e trans fat or partially hydrogenated one.

e g,Vegetable oils.

Why Industries Processing the oil:

This process ensures longer shelf life than original one by turning oil to solid state.

Secondly it keeps the oil turning from rancid.

How Trans Fats Affect Your Health:

Health impacts

1.Heard diseases

     Chances of developing cardiovascular diseases.This is because of increased level of bad cholesterol than good cholesterol. Mean consumption of high quality carbs is always better than tans fats.     

2.Metabolic related dis functioning

   Fatty liver and diabetes type 2 diseases.

3.Weight gain

Fried and Baked foods may contain high level of trans fats.

How Much you can eat:

Just look at table: % of fats in foods


% of trans fat per100grams


Animal fat




Upto 30g

Upto 5g

Upto 7g

Upto 16g

Upto 10g

Human body doesn’t need any trans fats,excess intake is harmful to health.

Limit the use of saturated fats

Reading nutrition labels goes better

Actions taken:

In 2018 WHO launched plan for eliminating trans fats.

In 2021 EU mandates for consumers are required to contain less than 2g of trans fats per 100g.

In 2018 FDA regulates no more trans fats in food products in USA.Margarine sold in USA not contains the trans fats.

Are you thinking about trans fats in breast milk....

  It's sure breast milk also contains trans fats but its level fluctuate with  maternal consumption of trans fats which directly relates to trans fats level in blood stream of infants.

Avoid or limit high trans fats food for healthy and happy life.
