What is Renewable Energy || Sources of Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy generated from natural sources for human use. Renewable energy is safer,cheaper,healthier and creates many jobs.Also it makes better economic sense.

Its time to stop burning our universe or planet and start investing in renewable sources all around us

                                                             UN Secretory General-A.Guterres.

Renewable sources  are many as below:

Solar Energy Energy generated from Sun:

Sun is abundant source of energy to creature on earth.it can be used in various means for daily life.its an ultimate source of energy for agriculture and allied activities.

 energy directly responsible for heating and cooling effect on earth.it ca be harnessed for daily consumption of human life specially for converting into electrical energy.

Fig.Solar Cell

Solar thermal energy.

Electricity power stations.

Cooking food.

Heating water.

Solar powered pumps
specially for agriculture,Government runs many schemes for installing pump sets.

Solar lightening,specially in public places.

Heating,cooling and it can be use for better ventilation.

For transport purpose.

Now way days portable electricity generator are used in running variety of appliances.


Need lot of space,

No cost effective and 

Energy storage is too expensive.

Wind Energy:

Installation of wind mills for generating electricity. It  has highest potential and also biggest source of natural energy that can be tapped for our daily use.Wind turbines are installed  on shore and off shore based on speed of moving air or wind.

 Hydal Energy or Hydro Power:

Energy derived from running water from high to lower elevation for running electric generators in mega power stations. Kinetic energy of running water converted into electric form.Its one of cleanest and environmental friendly type of energy.

Geothermal energy:

Energy derived from thermal energy inside earth interior.Means we can genrate energy from hot sprigs,natural water geysers,hot magma,hot dry rocks.this not universal and many hurdles for tapping hidden energy.Now a days its one of reliable source of energy.

Energy from Biomass:

Generating energy from biodegradable waste, crop residue,animal dung and firewood when burnt.is has many limitations.

Ocean thermal energy or Tidal energy:

Generating electricity from running water  i e, from high tide waves.means tapping the thermal and kinetic energy of running ocean waves.This also not universal and continuous source of energy.we see may projects worldwide have many limitations.

Fuel cells and hydrogen energy:

Generating power from electro-chemical reactions.Fuel cells can also be used as clean source of energy for generating electricity directly from installed cells for daily consumption.It has may limitations.

Fig.Fuel Cell


 Generating two forms of energy from one source.Its an convenient source of energy.

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